Yale SOM Honorarium Guidelines

An honorarium is a token payment made to bestow recognition to an individual for a significant service they perform, for which payment is not required or requested. SOM's honorarium guidelines seek to recognize the significance and function of a speaker's time and service and to serve as a vehicle for bringing talent to our community. These guidelines affirm SOM's commitment to empower members of the School to compensate guests for their time and talents and to provide the necessary internal support to offer such compensation.

SOM sees honoraria as an important tool for expanding the pool of potential guests to the School and for lowering barriers that guest speakers may face as a result of their industry (e.g., social enterprise, nonprofit, etc.), role (e.g., startup founder, small business owner, etc.), or background (e.g., underrepresented identity, grassroots leader, etc.).

SOM encourages all sponsors to offer an honorarium to all keynote invitees, but importantly, this is not a requirement.