Wilderness Leadership Development

Promoting community, education, inclusion, and stewardship in appreciation of our natural world... and having fun!


About WiLD

Our mission: Promoting community, education, inclusion, and stewardship in appreciation of our natural world... and having fun! WiLD exists to create opportunities for SOM community members to develop confidence, leadership skills, and connections in an outdoor environment. Our goal is to bring people of all skill levels together to learn from and teach one another.

WiLD Leaders

Shivansh Chaturvedi Profile

Shivansh Chaturvedi

Budget Officer
Francisco Fernandez Ontiveros Profile

Francisco Fernandez Ontiveros

Bryan Gardiner Profile

Bryan Gardiner

Wanlin Huang Profile

Wanlin Huang

Stella Wang Profile

Stella Wang

Brandon Kutchera Profile

Brandon Kutchera

Club Leader
Miguel Zaldivar-Giuffredi Profile

Miguel Zaldivar-Giuffredi

Club Leader
Jacob Frame Profile

Jacob Frame

Will Gardner Profile

Will Gardner

Club Leader

E: Club-WiLD@som.yale.edu

Wilderness Leadership Development

165 Whitney Avenue
New Haven CT 06511
United States