Hidden Champions Conference

by EuroSOM

Conference Handbook

Fri, Apr 5, 2019

9 AM – 5 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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165WA, 2200

165 Whitney Ave. (Evans Hall)

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Hidden Champions are little known companies, typically of small- or medium-size, that have quietly become global market leaders in their niche segments. 

The Hidden Champions Conference, a student-run conference at the Yale School of Management, creates a platform for Hidden Champions CEOs, scholars and students to connect and expand their professional networks. In a selective setting, Hidden Champions C-level executives will share their success stories and discuss critical success factors such as digitalization, focus and customer-centric innovation. 

The student-led conference is co-hosted by the Hidden Champions Institute (HCI) at ESMT Berlin, Germany’s leading business school. The conference will be held on April 5, 2019 at Yale School of Management’s campus, Edward P. Evans Hall in New Haven, Connecticut.

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Dress Business Casual


165WA, 2200

165 Whitney Ave. (Evans Hall)

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